Monday, September 28, 2015

Week 2 ~ Understanding comics/ Harlots progress

Understanding comics talked about what sequential art is as a medium itself and compared it to other mediums such as film. A film and a comic are in a way similar since they have frames but they exist based on something completely different, a film needs time in order to be a film and the frames appear one by one in a space and a comic is made by multiple frames fitting into a space at the same time instead of individually. 
Okay, I don't know why that stuck with me, I guess it was kind of interesting to understand that and see how different mediums can essentially come from the  "comic" . Or not necessarily come from it but just that there are some similarities in how the content is formed? 
I guess I think it's kind of silly that comics were also ridiculed or older generations thought they were a waste of time when something like a movie was made up of different frames , or an illustration for example it's one image but add another with some slight differences and it can become sequential art. 


I really enjoyed reading the Harlots progress in class that day! Especially seeing each image right after the other it was easy to understand what was going on. I think now even if people don't really have a very good understanding of history you would be able to understand the narrative in each image. It's really amazing to think that we can put together stories from just gathering information in one image.

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